ELECTROMECHANICS LAVECCHIA compressed air machines ELECTROMECHANICS LAVECCHIA compressed air machines


Compressore d’aria professionale monostadio con azionamento a cinghia Affidabile e adatta anche per impieghi pesanti, la serie NS12S è una gamma completa di compressori con azionamento a cinghia per uso professionale. Utilizzando cilindri in ghisa per garantire un’elevata affidabilità e una ...


Electromechanical products Lavecchia

Electromechanical Lavecchia Ruggiero & C. S.N.C. company operating from over 40 years in electromechanical and compressed air for industry and crafts, will’ l’ opportunities’ conveniently purchase online the following products classified by business category: Compressors, Dryers, Electric Motors, Tools ...


Mission & Vision

QUALITY 'SERVICES L' Electromechanics Lavecchia since the beginning of its activities 'work has always followed a' single guideline in their work style or offer, ensure maximum engagement and especially QUALITY '. For over 40 years we invest in human resources highly ...


Contact Info Electromechanics Lavecchia

The priority of Electromechanics Lavecchia Ruggiero & C. S.N.C. and the primary goal has always been pursued by our company is the most 'complete customer satisfaction. Through dialogue with the customer and the analysis of their needs we offer: efficient service ...

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