Privacy Policy lavecchiaelettromeccanica.it Privacy Policy lavecchiaelettromeccanica.it

Privacy Policy

Electromechanical Lavecchia Ruggiero & C. S.N.C. places utmost importance on confidentiality, the protection and security of personal information relating to those it comes into contact.

Il Navigatore di questo sito è pertanto invitato a visitare preliminarmente tutte le sezioni del presente documento, nel quale sono descritte le modalità di gestione del sito in riferimento al trattamento dei dati personali degli utenti che lo consultano.
Si tratta di un’informativa resa anche ai sensi dell’art. 13 del D.Lgs. 30 giugno 2003 n. 196, “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali”, a tutti coloro che interagiscono con i servizi Web di Electromechanical Lavecchia Ruggiero & C. S.N.C., accessibili per via telematica all’indirizzo:


corrispondente alla pagina iniziale del sito Web ufficiale di Electromechanical Lavecchia Ruggiero & C. S.N.C..

La presente informativa è resa ed è valida solo per il sito Web di Electromechanical Lavecchia Ruggiero & C. S.N.C. e non anche per altri siti Web eventualmente consultati dall’ utente tramite link presenti nel sito Web Electromechanical Lavecchia Ruggiero & C. S.N.C.. Electromechanical Lavecchia Ruggiero & C. S.N.C. has no control over these sites or the procedures they apply in terms of data privacy; suggest you consult the confidentiality measures of all the companies with which it comes into contact before providing personal information.

The information is based on Recommendation. 2/2001 that the European authorities for the protection of personal data, the Group established by art. 29 Directive No. 95/46/EC, have adopted the 17 May 2001 to establish minimum requirements for the collection of personal data on-line, and, in particular, how, the timing and nature of the information that data controllers must provide users when they connect to Web pages, regardless of the purpose of the link.


Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, during their normal operation, data whose transmission is implicit in the communication protocols of the Internet. This information is not collected to be associated with identified, but by their very nature could enable identification of users through processing and association with data held by third parties.

This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users connecting to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) resource requests, the time of request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters regarding the operating system and computer environment.

These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the site and to ensure the proper functioning. These data are not disclosed to third parties and are not widespread.


An "Cookies" and a small text file transferred from the web server to the user's computer, whose aim is to inform the server regarding user access to a particular web page, e di altre eventuali notizie che ricava dai parametri leggibili del sistema tramite funzioni contenute nella pagina Web. I cookies possono essere “temporanei” (o di sessione, sono cancellati al termine del collegamento) o “permanenti” (restano memorizzati nel disco fisso dell’utente, a meno che l’utente stesso non li cancelli).

Questo sito utilizza cookies di sessione e cookies persistenti per:

  • tenere traccia di sessioni di navigazione in forma anonima;
  • migliorare la navigazione all’interno del sito;
  • personalizzare i servizi;
  • analizzare in forma aggregata i modelli di traffico del sito.

The persistent cookies we use can store personally identifiable information only in the event that the user has registered or authorized the retention of personal identification data entered in the site. Otherwise, our server merely recognizes that an unidentified visitor, with that particular cookie, and returned to the site.

These data are not disclosed to third parties and are not widespread.
The user has the option, depending on the browser in use, to disable or selectively accept the use of cookies: in this case the navigation can not be as easily, some site functions may not be available and some web pages may be displayed incorrectly.

Web beacons

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics utilizza dei “cookies”, che sono file di testo che vengono depositati sul Vostro computer per consentire al sito web di analizzare come gli utenti utilizzano il sito. Le informazioni generate dal cookie sull’utilizzo del sito web da parte Vostra (compreso il Vostro indirizzo IP) verranno trasmesse a, e depositate presso i server di Google negli Stati Uniti. Google utilizzerà queste informazioni allo scopo di tracciare e esaminare il Vostro utilizzo del sito web, compilare report sulle attivita del sito web per gli operatori del sito web e fornire altri servizi relativi alle attivita del sito web e all’utilizzo di Internet. Google può anche trasferire queste informazioni a terzi ove ciò sia imposto dalla legge o laddove tali terzi trattino le suddette informazioni per conto di Google. Google non assocerà il vostro indirizzo IP a nessun altro dato posseduto da Google. Potete rifiutarvi di usare i cookies selezionando l’impostazione appropriata sul vostro browser, ma ciò potrebbe impedirvi di utilizzare tutte le funzionalità di questo sito web. Utilizzando il presente sito web, voi acconsentite al trattamento dei Vostri dati da parte di Google per le modalità e i fini sopraindicati

Dati forniti volontariamente dall’utente

All’utente sono richiesti dati personali (es. nome, indirizzo e-mail) if they wish to contact us or use our services offered on our site. The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of personal data implies its processing for the purposes and within the limits indicated in the special information.


The user is free to provide personal data to Electromechanical Lavecchia Ruggiero & C. S.N.C. through the optional, explicit and voluntary sending of the modules on this site or e-mail addresses listed on this website. Failure to provide the data may make it impossible for our company to provide the requested service.


Personal data is processed using manual and data in order to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures are taken to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.


The treatment of personal data is Electromechanical Lavecchia Ruggiero & C. S.N.C. | p.iva 03447220728 | Via Degli Artigiani, 96 – 76121 Barletta (BT) | Such: (+39) 0883510417 Fax (+39) 0883510463 | Email: e.lavecchia@libero.it.


Under article 7 of Legislative Decree. 196/2003 (Right of access to personal data and other rights), and the right of individuals to whom the personal data of:

  1. obtain confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning him, even if not yet registered, and their communication in intelligible form;
  2. obtain information: a) origin of personal data, b) the purposes and methods of treatment, c) the logic applied in case of treatment with the aid of electronic instruments, d) the identity of the holder, manager and the designated representative, and) the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the data may be communicated or who may become aware of as designated representative in the State, managers or agents;
  3. to get: a) updating, correction or, if interested, data integration, b) cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including data which need not be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or processed, c) certification that the operations in letters a) and b) have been notified, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data were communicated or disseminated, except in the case where this proves impossible or involves means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right;
  4. oppose, in whole or in part: a) for legitimate reasons the processing of personal data concerning him, pertinent to the purpose of the collection, b) to the processing of personal data for purposes of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.

Any such requests should be addressed to: Electromechanical Lavecchia Ruggiero & C. S.N.C. | p.iva 03447220728 | Via Degli Artigiani, 96 – 76121 Barletta (BT) | Such: (+39) 0883510417 Fax (+39) 0883510463 | Email: e.lavecchia@libero.it.